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The American Automobile Association is a federation of motor clubs throughout North America. AAA is a non-profit member service organization; with 55.6 million members in the United States and Canada. AAA near me to its members, including roadside assistance and others. Its national headquarters are in Heathrow, Florida.
The American Automobile Association (the “AAA” or “Triple-A”) was founded on March 4, 1902, in Chicago, Illinois, when in response to a lack of roads and highways suitable for automobiles, nine motor clubs with a total of 1,500 members banded together to form the Triple-A.
Members belong to one of 42 individual clubs (see List of AAA regional clubs), and the clubs, in turn, own AAA. The number of local clubs has decreased over time through consolidation; as late as the 1970s the membership roster included dozens of clubs that each served a single country, particularly in New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
The member clubs have arranged a reciprocal service system so that members of any participating club are able to receive member services from any other affiliate club. Member dues finance all club services as well as the operations of the national organization.
This is just a membership card which originally holds by Mr. Maryann W. Johnson.
Clubs also distribute road maps (including customized map guides for specific journeys) and travel publications (TourBook guides), and rate restaurants and hotels according to a “diamond” scale (one to five). The best hotels and restaurants according to AAA’s criteria receive the Five Diamond Award.
Many offices sell automobile liability insurance, provide travel agency, auto-registration and notary services. Maps, TourBook guides, and travel agent services are generally free to members. AAA also offers member discounts through its “AAA Discounts & Rewards” program.
The AAA has reciprocal arrangements with a range of international affiliates. In general, members of affiliates are offered the same benefits as members of the AAA near me while traveling in the United States, while AAA hours members are offered equivalent benefits while traveling in the territory of the affiliate.